This CIP experience was a great learning experience for me as I was given the opportunity to interact with the old folks and get to know them better. When taking care of an old folk we should be very gentle as they are fragile, and not treat them like we treat our friends. In this learning journey, it is a great opportunity to learn how to help out others especially the needy when doing voluntary work. The old folk I helped out was an old nun of about 70 over years, but I did not expect that she stil had a good memory. In a matter of fact, the teachers told us that we would be handling those with dementia. She was kind and still active, being a Roman-christian, we managed to talk a lot. My friend and I were the ones who are taking care of the old folk, we brought her throughout the shopping centre to places such as, NTUC, Market, Popular, Pet store. We had a great time! In my opinion, I think that singaporeans shoulds take care of their elders as they have been taking care of us when we were young. It would be a cycle of adults helping the young and in return young help adult in the much later years.
Ryan Lau
Ryan Lau