Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Letter to "The Straits Times"

The recent earthquake and tsunamis which hit Japan caused unexpected situations to happen. The earthquake had damaged the cooling systems which as a resulted in the overheating of one of the nuclear plants' nuclear rod. Unfortunately, a meltdown had occurred and caused a radiation leak, therefore contaminating anything nearby. What Singapore had done, was to help aid the residents of Fukushima island. In addition, Singapore took safety precautions such as setting a band on Japan exported goods. Not long ago, vegetables were exported from Japan to Singapore, and found to have contaminated by radiation, and had to destroy any goods which were contaminated. We are lucky to be in a free-of-natural-disaster like Singapore. This recent catastrophe had a great impact on me as I think that we should not take situations like this for granted and always be ready. Many charities are raising funds for the victims in Japan.

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