Sunday, January 31, 2010

The diary of Mrs Maloney, me as her

Diary of Mrs Maloney................

Dear Diary,
This was the most horrible night! I committed a serious crime and I got away with it. It was a close shave! I think this place is haunted by the spirit of my husband and now I do not know what to do. I nearly broke down as I could not keep the truth away from the police. I managed to take away the life of a man I love! I don't know if anybody else could have done what I did... I mean, I am carrying his baby in my womb. How dare he divorce me?!! He knew that I could not take care of the baby and support the family at the same time! The fact that he is going to marry someone else just made me furious and I just.....just could not stop myself. I didn't mean to do it! It just happened.. like in the movies. I had really wanted to make him a good dinner. Oh why didn't he just let me make that dinner???

The truth must be kept away from people not even the child, maybe I can escape to another country whereby no one will find me.......

This is just an awful dream. I wish it would go away tomorrow.

Written by,
Mrs Maloney

Saturday, January 30, 2010

The difference between the show and the story of The Lamb to The Slaughter

The 2 main characters in this story is Mr. and Mrs Maloney.In the end, Mrs Maloney murderred her husband as he was going to divorce her even when she was pregnant. Resulting in, Mrs Maloney to be furrious so she took the lamb(frozen leg)and smashed him in the back of the head.Owwww!......Causing him to die.
In this post I am going to tell the difference between the two visual and written source.
-Mrs Maloney did not rehearse her speech
-the freezer was in the garage instead of the cellar
-The investigators/police took coffee instead of wine
-Mrs Maloney did not sew while waiting for her husband to return from work.
-In the written story she did not mess up the place
-In the show Mr M. told Mrs M. that he wanted to divorce
In the show the police was more specific

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

My diagnostic test reflection

On my another interesting LA reflection, my class and I had to go to the computer lab to create accounts(I mention in my previous post) and tried the personality test which consists of several multiple-choice questions about our self. I myself answer the question truthfully( it's a MUST)
and viewed my result and realised that I scored best in number smart. You see, the results consist of a number of smartness area. I feel that after this test I realised that I am more close to my friends than I thought. Now I realised that I am best at nature and numbers. It is true that I am a science and maths geek. Have fun,
Ryan Lau(11)1P4

My LA reflection

On the first few lessons on LA(Language Arts), my class and I learnt quite a lot of information. To start off the message, I will give a short briefing on "Plagiarism" this is a complex word but it is very is to remember the meaning.The meaning of "Plagiarism" copying from a source in the internet which has been copyrighted, and use it as your own. Now this is wrong as this can lead to serious consequences like fine and jail. After learning that we managed to create a Facebook account and of course my blogger account. I feel that blogging can help us to improve in our studies.
Ryan Lau(11)1P4