Sunday, January 31, 2010

The diary of Mrs Maloney, me as her

Diary of Mrs Maloney................

Dear Diary,
This was the most horrible night! I committed a serious crime and I got away with it. It was a close shave! I think this place is haunted by the spirit of my husband and now I do not know what to do. I nearly broke down as I could not keep the truth away from the police. I managed to take away the life of a man I love! I don't know if anybody else could have done what I did... I mean, I am carrying his baby in my womb. How dare he divorce me?!! He knew that I could not take care of the baby and support the family at the same time! The fact that he is going to marry someone else just made me furious and I just.....just could not stop myself. I didn't mean to do it! It just happened.. like in the movies. I had really wanted to make him a good dinner. Oh why didn't he just let me make that dinner???

The truth must be kept away from people not even the child, maybe I can escape to another country whereby no one will find me.......

This is just an awful dream. I wish it would go away tomorrow.

Written by,
Mrs Maloney

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