Saturday, February 20, 2010

Denotation and connotation(two meanings of the same)

Sometimes we see words of the same meaning, for e.g.:The word "thrifty and stingy", they both mean that the person is careful with money. This is called denotation as the meaning of the words is the definition of the dictionary.
However the meaning of these words are not the same depending on the context.
For eg.:The man is stingy.(The word stingy indicates that the man is selfish and does want to share his money.)
:The man is thrifty.(The word stingy in this context mean that the man is careful with his money and likes to share.
In other words this is called connotation
When handling words of the same meaning we must be careful......


1 comment:

  1. This piece of information will definitely come in handy when the teacher mentions the words "connotation" and "denotation". I hope everyone will remember what these two words mean!
