Saturday, March 27, 2010

Types of ironies

The word "irony" can be confusing if you do not understand the meaning, some of you might check the dictionary while others might just ignore it. Here is the meaning of the word "irony"
by dictionary definition: Incoruguilty between what might be expected to happen an what actually occurrs. E.g. "The language preservation group helps to prevent certain languages to
face extinction, but they will only go if invited."
However there are more different types of ironies.....Here are some of them...
-Tragic irony
Tragic irony is a special catergory of dramatic irony. In this type of irony, the words and action contradicts to a real situation which the spectators fully realises.
-Verbal irony
Verbal irony is distinguished from situational irony and dramatic irony in that it is produced by the speakers.
-Dramatic irony
Dramatic irony is the device of giving the spectator an item of information that at least one of the characters in the narrative is unaware of(at least consciously), thus placing the spectator a step ahead of at least one of the characters.

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