Friday, July 30, 2010

Analysis of the "Snapshotland" poem

When I saw the title of this particular poem, I had thoughts that it suggests to me...
Words that we may not know:
-sepia> photos with brownish tin
-Kodachrome>a type of film

And here are they:
-Photo of scenery
-Land area
-Special occation
- Family people

List of all the things which force their attention on me or which catches my interest for one reason or another after reading this poem.......
The list/words are:

Fugurative Language used in this poem:
(Alliteration) "and smile and smile and smile" and "smooth shines...sepia.....sandboys......sandgirls.......stop smiling.....sea-shore"

(Assonance) "................... never

(Symbole) "people seating at the beach relaxing"

Group of words that may be thematically similar (for example, that all similes make reference to animals/death/plants, etc., or all the first words of lines are conjunction words, etc.):
-"gingham pinafores"
-"smiling through"

The poem is formal so there is no rythm or poems.....

Guessing the meaning:
>The poem is written to send a message to people to appreciate photos as holds the memories that you cherrish the most. As well as telling people to take care of the photos, they are your path through memory lane.

b)Public in general
d)Positive attitude
e)He wants to make the poem formalc
f)It makes the reader feel relax and joyful

10) The poet wanted the reader to appreciate what he/she have and make them feel happy and positive in mind.

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