Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Online lesson 6 (War journal)

Dear diary,

Today, we have suffered great loss and casualties, it has been a very tedious and hard day as the opposing enemy is strong and not giving up that easily. I fear that we have under estimated them too early and too much, as well as being arrogant that we will win. Fortunately, we managed to save people who were trapped in the area. The sight was horrible. People trapped there were pale-white, dressed in jail clothing and they really look like zombies. We automatically knew that we had to help these innocent people, by providing food and water. My partners and I went around the site, and saw burnt down houses, dead bodies, and the most shocking thing that when we opened the containers, it was lying with people who had probably died of starvation.

Hiding in the jungle for 2 weeks is one of the most challenging task, after retreating from the Japanese soldiers. I got shot in the leg, now it is wrapped in thick bandages to immobilize it and not hinder the healing process. My team mates were all captured or shot dead by the Japanese. What kept me alive was the fact that I could react quickly, protecting myself every step before we were outnumbered. I was demoralized, I have to protect myself and the country "Singapore" from falling into the wrong hands.

That I end with a prayer that tomorrow would be much better than the rest and may the souls of the lost soldiers rest in peace. I am tired, I am devastated, I will fight till my death and that is the scarification I will make in this battle.

Signing off,

Ryan Lau the soldier with great might

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