Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Making NS mandatory develops Singaporen boys into men. Do you agree?

Making NS mandatory develops Singaporean boys into men as it helps to strengthen the soldiers' discipline, through tough training, team work and so on so forth. With the fact that Singapore being a small country or island, it is vulnerable to any attacks made by stronger nations. Therefore, it needs manpower to secure and defend the nation. To leave the life of relaxation and becoming an independent, disciplined young man is tough for the majority, as some are too soft. Every Singaporean boy of age 18 are to join the National Service (NS), right after completing their Junior College education. Nation Service (NS) is positioned between JC and University as it promotes and encourages them to be independent throughout their following lifespan. Serving the president and to serve the country is their main motive. One example of a situation whereby (NS) takes things seriously: There was a soldier who let his maid carry his bag.

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