Monday, June 27, 2011

Same-sex marriages (What does Singapore think of that?)

What does Singapore think of legalizing same-sex marriages?

Singapore will not legalize same-sex marriages any time soon.The criteria for a legalization of same sex marriage in Singapore does not really meet up to the requirements. According to Singapore's legal status, the government has never allowed homosexual sex between men. However, currently Singapore has never criminalize sex between women.Singapore will not legalize same-sex marriages any time soon. When we compare Singapore's legal status and New York's legal status, New York allows same sex marriages but Singapore do not. Just for simple reasons For example: Singapore has around a population of 5 million and further more Singapore faces a problem of a very low fertility rate. On the other hand, New York has a stable population of 19 million. This gives the right for New York to safely legalize same-sex marriages. According to the website "Sodomy Laws" ,the religion argument, that an Islamic or Christian society cannot tolerate homosexuality, has been used by the ruling parties in Singapore and Malaysia to defend their laws criminalizing homosexual acts. By defending the law of criminalizing homosexual acts, religious groups will not be affected or fumed. In addition, educationists oppose the idea of legalizing same-sex marriage, the Islams and Christians were strongly against same sex marriages as well.

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