Saturday, July 2, 2011

9/11 Poem "A tragic Accident"

This post shows a bit of details of the actual footage and after all a blog should have thoughts of your own.

9/11 Poem

The day was corrupted,
By a sudden burst of fire,
We were frigthened,
As the tragic story beings to fold,
The tail of the great bird stuck out of the center of everything,
At the height of a standing Titanic,
What had happened was oblivious to us,
As the climax begin to rise,
I heard from the crowd,
"Terror men strikes again"
What came to my mind first was the "Terror" group "Al-Qeada"
They have lived up to their names,

Back to the scene,
Was exceedingly shocking,
Machines of Red Crosses and Hoses sped to the scene,
And I pondered "Is it that bad"
And soon the answer will be revealed,
Battling the adversary was their job,
And soon the building started to lose to the fire,
Lives started to literally go down,
When people willingly jumped from the highest floor.

We waited for what seemed to be eternity,
And then the great structure fell vertically,
Crushing everything and everyone in it,
The bigger you are,
The harder you fall,
And soon the world plunges into darkness,
And I lay my sorrows to the heroes

From what I had learned from the 9/11 experience, terrorism is a major factor of danger. Even if we are in one of the most secured and safest country, we should not take it for granted and be aware at all times even if things seemed to be normal. I hope that the world would be peaceful in the future but it would be quite impossible as everyone has different views of things and that whats makes it interesting. It is like being in a perfect place whereby everyone is the same, act the same, eat the same food, talk the same, look the same, would it be creepy. In Singapore has faced one of the most serious escape of Mas Selamat, a fugitive working for the (JI)Jemaah Islamiah and was involved in a series of bombings in Bintan, Indonesia. Singapore's largest mahunt finally came to an end in 2009. This shows that Singapore has to tighten their security, and to ensure no terrorism takes place. If it does, consequences may be dire.

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