Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Ideal School ~Something Many Schools Should Reach For~

I think that an ideal school should be stress free, have better student-teacher relationship and, be more organise in cooperation among the teachers. Further more, with academics regarded highly as a form of requirement to fit into the fast developing society. As more students strive to be the best, some would be left out and some might not be able to cope. In my opinion, schools in Singapore just do not know how to have fun~!

I think that an ideal school should be stress free as nowadays, youngsters like myself have to handle of resist a lot of depression and stress, be it examinations, homework or project work. Especially in Singapore whereby the education system aims to be at its best, tend to have its own backfiring. Some of the effects for e.g. Students tend to be very quiet as teachers are strict, not enough freedom to voice opinion, some teachers do not accept stupid questions etc. Unlike the schools in Singapore, the schools in New Zealand do not have any examinations at all until students reach grade 6, which is like primary 6 in Singapore, to take their Final Examination before proceeding to High School. Under stress-free conditions, students would be able to think clearly without any worries, thus producing a higher quality of work.

I think that an ideal school should have better student-teacher relationship as it promotes students to be more active and interactive during classes or lessons. When we compare normal Singaporean schools to government schools, the students in government schools tend to be more interactive as from primary school onwards, they have their own current affairs session, which involves being aware of today's or current current affairs. Through this session, students are encouraged to voice out their opinions which lack in many students today. In schools, with better student-teacher relationship, the teachers are able to understand the students character and is able to finger out the weaknesses and the "solutions". Therefore, in my opinion. I think that the schools should focus more on student-teacher relationships.

Lastly, I think that an ideal school should have better cooperation with each other so as to reduce stress among the students. The idea is that the co-operation helps to spread the work and reduce the work depression by receiving less work per day than bombing everyone with work in one day. Thus in my opinion I think that with better co-operation, students are able to have free time each day to indulge in their active lifestyles and hobbies/passion.

I do not own this picture

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