Friday, August 19, 2011

The End of Our Journey? Get away from the Edge!

Come on guys! This is not the end of of our learning journey, we still have many things to learn. If you have already gave up and jumped of the "cliff" make sure you work hard to make it to the top. Stop wasting your time wondering if this is the end to the LA blog, walk along the edge, we have still so much to learn. This term, I have met many challenges like tests, homework, blog, R n R exercises and many many more. Being the monitor of the class, I tend to freak out when the class is misbehaving, but with the help of the chairman and the rest of the members, order is maintain. But now, I am not going to talk about my normal school life, but my learning journey so far and have yet to come... So far we have been discussing a lot on racism and prejudice, from "To Kill a Mocking Bird" to "Burning Mississippi" to "The Merchant of Venice". To me, I sometimes feel angry that some Christians in "The Merchant of Venice' are not showing mercy that they suppose to be to the Jews. Being a Roman Christian myself, I believe in not using violence as a concept to solve all problem, as the matter of fact, violence can only lead to more violence, am I not right? Further more as we go down the lane, we have the Reading and Reasoning Exercises to hit our head literally! I also feel quite sad that I did not do well for my R and R test in term 3 and promised myself that I will read more and work harder for the End of Year's. After all, "Practise makes perfect" or "Practise promises onself to strive for the better life".

We will soon get the hang of it using these steps suggested by our teacher.(For R and R)
Step 1: Underline keywords
Step 2: Figure what type of question it is
Step 3: Go back to passage and locate where the answer might be
Step 4: Look at textual clues for anwer

If you are a regular blogger who visits my blog regularly, you might see quite some pictures I have used to depict or give a better description of the blog posts. I suggest that you should read my posts tagged "Analyse Writers" whereby I showcase and analyse their famous work like Ernest Heimingways, novel "Baby Shoes"

I wish Singapore in the upcoming Presidential Election, which candidate will change the fate of Singapore, it is in our hands to decide ya? The fact that this term shows that many improvements can be made shows that I have much more to learn before my life ends. Learning goes on forever, whether old or young.

"Thanks to google images for wonderful pictures, I DO NOT OWN ANY OF THE PHOTOS EXCEPT FOR THE ONES I TOOK MY SELF!"

Cheers :3
Ryan Lau

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