Monday, August 15, 2011

National Day School Celebration

As the dawn breaks,
Students make their way,
To the once a year,
National Day Celebration,
Dipped in red and white,
Were the festive attire,
Assembling at the terraces,
Looking like a sea of red and white
We wonder what kind of performance we were having this year,
As we stared into the steps,
And tapped our feet,
To the rhythm of the mighty construction machines make.
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Tap Tap Tap

How long does it take,
For a school of 4000 students,
Take to assemble at the terraces,
Waiting at my position,
Looking around at the field,
And hoped that the Sun will stay behind the clouds,
But as all hope is lost,
The Sun came up,
With its bright cheerful shine,
It causes the clothes we were wearing,
To look brighter and lighter.
What I did not know,
Was the fact that a trick was being played,
On me.

Hey! Ryan! Look behind!
And then realised,
That my bottle was gone,
Thinking that it was in the class,
When I felt a hard solid touching my back,
It was my bottle!
The tricksters laughed,
Till their faces were pink,
And I was embarrassed,
As a drop of sweat started,
To Trickle down my cheeks.
How hot it was,
You don't want to know.

As the celebration starts,
We proudly sang our anthem,
And said our pledge,

The first part of the celebration kicked in,
And off goes the uniform groups,
Showing off their marching skills,
Focused on the formation,
Despite countless disturbance from the crowd.
And we all went on,
Cheering with all our might,

An hour has passed,
We then had to head back to the hall,
And row by row,
The seemingly red and white ants marched off,

Upon reaching the hall,
The crowd began to roar,
As the celebration carried on,
With interesting dances,
Made by the foreigners themselves,
And some by our fellow friends,
How intense it was,
To see all those singing skills and dance skills,
And we all watched in awe,
And had the same thought,
We were proud to be Singaporeans,
And Share the same,

Singapore Spirit.

Blaze the Singapore Spirit!

Ryan Lau

This is one of the many ways that I use to convey my experience during an occasional event, the other post that I used the poetic way was the one on the YOG celebration in 2010. I feel that using the poetic structure helps to show more meaning into what you and I am saying. Sometimes, it gives a smooth rhythm and makes it relaxing for the reader to read. I hope that you people think that I am using a steady and happy tone towards the end, and if you guessed it, good job! What really makes a poem special, is that it has hidden words or meaningful words, without the use of adjectives to exaggerate it. Being a Singaporean myself, I am proud of my country, I grew up here, I was taught here, and now I will have to thank all those who made this meaningful journey possible for me.

Blaze the Singapore Spirit!

1 comment:

  1. i feel that the use of poetry in this blog post is very innovative and interesting way of portraying yourself and about the Singapore spirit and the poem clearly shows us about how much you love Singapore. good work.
