Monday, August 15, 2011

Online Lesson 12

Step 2: The common theme I see is judging the appearance of the person and not see the true personality of oneself. The Prince of Morocco decided to use gold, high valued and rare, to compare to Portia's worthy self and beauty. When he opened the casket, there was a scroll which was saying that all that glitters is not gold which meant that it is not the outside that counts but the inside that counts, the heart and soul the worthy person bears all his life. For the prince of Arragon, he chose the silver casket as pride got the hold of himself and felt that he deserve Portia. Unfortunately, when he open the casket, there was a picture of an idiot holding a scroll. Finally for Bassanio, he picked the dull looking casket which was made out of not just lead but cheap lead. Which proves that Bassanio puts others before him before attending to himself, and he is a humble and fair person, therefore he got Portia.

Step 3: This is just crap! Totally screwed! How much homework I have, is just unbearable, and committing-suicide worthy. What I have, what I have! Was Chinese, English, Maths, and History homework, what is this, probably the most tight day of my life! What more can I get, tuition at 7pm. How the heck am I suppose to get all this crap done by tomorrow, further more, I do not just live far away, I live very far away from school. Keeping what the teachers in my head is causing my head to explode! What, square root of 125 equals to 5? Which year did Singapore get its independence from the British rule? 1819? From what I see now is that I am stuck between two worlds, whether to got for this tuition or not to go. This is just great, a pile of junk plus tuition at night! How am I gonna survive in the future if I cannot even handle a what to be known as "normal" amount of work! I should be doing my work now, but I am paralysed by the decisions I have to make right now, oh my goodness gracious me... Is the world going to end in 2012?

1 comment:

  1. I think your step three is not really well written. The requirements for step three include using logic, but I do not see any logic at all in your response. Perhaps you can use logic to decide whether or not to go for the tuition.
