Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Chinese Names

Names, are a symbol which represents a person's identity. it is something which you will be tagged with for the rest of your life and it is your only way to differentiate yourself from others. English characters and English characters are very different, but today I will be talking about Chinese names.

My English Name:Ryan Lau
My Chinese Name:刘乐洋

Meaning of my Chinese name,
-刘 is my Surname
-乐: Happy
-洋: Ocean

Basically it means happy ocean...

To me english names are more mysterious to me as they do not have a meaning of their own. In addition, I feel that names are special to everyone, not just humans but animals, plants, bacteria. Imagine a world without names, will it be chaotic? If we do not know the names of bacteria, how do we recognise them? So we should be thankful for have names...

Name's Definition:
a word or a combination of words by which a person, place, or thing, a body or class, or any object of thought is designated, called, or known.

Ryan Lau

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