Friday, January 28, 2011

All Summer in a day (Online Lesson)

The people who were held responsible for Margot's bad treatment was her classmates, furthermore they treated her like a plush toy and even threw her in the closet. By right, the person who suggested to lock Margot up in the closet should hold the highest responsibility, but in all everyone is responsible for her treatment. In addition, I think what contributed to the class's way of treating her is the fact that she gets to go back to Earth.

If I were to be one of the classmates, I would help her. I would even tell them that all of us are different in many ways, even though you are from another planet, you should not treat each other badly. I will say that they should be ashamed of themselves, locking Margot up in the locker. I pity her as she has been waiting for many years to see the Sun. If I choose to start a mass fight, I obviously lose hands down, I would be outnumbered. In addition to all of this, I would advice Margot to be more opened as people will think. If you are anti-social and quiet most of the time, people may think that she is pathetic, most likely tease and bully her. Should she have any problems with her classmates, she will report to the teacher. Teachers are meant to help and handle situations like this, anyways they are trained for situations like this. I would try to have a nice chat with her to make her feel more calm and introduce the rest to her as well as introduce herself to the rest. This way we get to know each other better.

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