Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Last Year's Most Valuable Lesson

Before I get to my point, let me just justify that time passes very fast and waits for no one. Yesterday is history and tomorrow is the future, the important thing now is that you are prepared for the future... As for today, we call it a gift. So my point is that you must treasure every moment of your life before it is over, for you.... But today I will not go into life but lessons, so what was last year's most valuable lesson? Well, the lessons on Poems and The Village By The Sea are the most memorable lessons. Last year, we focused mainly on the book "The Village By The Sea", or the topic of the environment. The book was rather interesting and I was amazed by the story, with the fact that the pathagonist was at the highest level of independence. On the other hand, the lesson Poems was probably the most important lesson I have ever remembered. Poetic devices are required to help us in our literature tests. Poetic devices such as "Personification", "Assonance","Puns",etc. Therefore, I can conclude that these two lessons were the most valuable ones, not just because I cannot remember much, but because I thought of it everday...

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