Monday, January 17, 2011

Robinson Crusoe (Click here)

My favourite book is Robinson Crusoe ...

Since young, I love to read non-friction or better known as fact books. I fancy machines, especially trains. I studied them, read book about them, even had miniature trains. One show I used to watch everyday was "Thomas the Tank Engine". Faces on their boiler tanks and the fact that they TALK! I even thought one day I might become a train engineer. However, now that I am older, my mother says I read to much fact books and too little proper story books. Well, Robinson Crusoe was one of the very first "books" that I have ever read. What fascinates me, is the fact that Robinson himself, lived on a remote island all by himself! For 24yrs! He was even "attached" to the island which he had called it home for many years. Anyway, I think there is less than 5 people in the world who can conquer this feat.

Moral: Independence

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