Friday, January 14, 2011

Questions (Online Lessons)

Have you ever been part of a group of people who were unkind to one or some individuals? What was the circumstance?
-Yes I had been in a group with people who are unkind to others.
And this what happened- It was back in primary school when this happened, it was quite long ago so I might not remember clearly. In my school, we are split up into 6 groups with about 5 to 6 students in each group. We would sometimes name our group. Points will be collected for every question answered. The winner after each major exam will get the prize.
How did you act?
-I would sometimes remind my remaining mates that we are in this together, no one is perfect, and different people have different characteristics. Furthermore, we got an adult/teacher to help out solve the matter.

What did you feel?
-I felt embarrassed and dissapointed as the motto at my school was "Man Of Integrity Man For Others"

Ryan Lau

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